Student Kit

Recipe Book Suggestions - 3 ring binder, photo album, index cards and box etc.

Student Kitchen Kit - Quick Link HERE

Here's the scoop on the student kit, you do not have to purchase these items unless you want to.
A few of these items are available for us to use at the church, however, there are not enough for all students. We have purchased a few things, but we will also be searching garage sales, friends' kitchens and flea markets for like new items.

IF you would like me to purchase any of the items for you, the prices are listed below.
OR you may bring from home each week (don't forget!)

I highly suggest raiding Grandparents' cupboards for extra kitchen tools!
If you choose to create your own supply kit, please label your tools with tape/initials. It will be your responsibility to bring every week (or make arrangements for storage here).

What You Will Need (items in bold are necessities):

*AT LEAST ONE LARGE BOWL Bowls - various sizes (also check big lots, walmart for $1 bowls)
ie. batter bowl, mixing bowl (large enough to mix up a cake mix without spilling)
*Measuring cups & spoons  (I have 4 extras)
*Whisk (these run from $5-10 new...but you can find them used around $1-2)
*Pastry Brush (we can use the cheap paint brushes from the hardware store)
Spatula (ALSO CALLED BOWL SCRAPER)$2 (might have enough for everyone already)
*Apron ($4 for new black apron, I can purchase if you like - comes in a 3 pack at Sam's)
Dish towel - for hand-wiping
*Wooden spoon (not mini)
Large metal spoon
*Large tupperware-type container w/ lid (to take food home)
Ladle - will need for pouring batter into tins and for pancakes
Vegetable Peeler, Grater, Collander - we'll probably only need this once or twice depending on recipe.
*Rolling Pin

Pot Holders
*Cupcake/muffin tins ($5 new at Target) - I have 3-4 of these
*Cupcake paper liners
*Cake tins  (8 or 9 inch) & pie tins (foil, disposable are ok)
*Baking sheets - we have very few of these right now (about 5)
*Cutting Board - always good to have, can use to place hot pans on too
*Pam spray
*Parchment paper and wax paper
*Cookie cutters (any shape you prefer)
Knife & fork
Several mixing spoons
*Ziploc baggies various sizes

Bonus items: handmixer, blender, chef knife

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